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Cawson, R. A.; McCracken, A. W.; Marcus, P. B.; Zaatri, G. S. 1989. Pathology. The Mechanisms of Disease. Second edition. St Louis, Baltimore, Philadelphia, Toronto.

Govan, A. D. T.; MacFarlane, P. S.; Callander, R. 1986. Pathology Illustrated. Second edition. Cuchill Livingstone.

Maaroos, J. 2000. Üldpatoloogia lühikursus. Tartu

Parm, Ü. 2006. Lühiülevaade üldpatoloogilisetst protsessidest. Tartu, Bookmill.

Serov, V.V.,Jarõgin, N.E., Paukov, V.S. 1986. Patologitšeskaja anatomija. Atlas. Moskva. Medizina.

Underwood, J.C.E., 2004. General and Systematic Pathology. Churchill Livingstone, Toronto

Young, B., Stwart, W., O'Dowd G. 2011 Wheater's Basic Pathology. Fifth edition. Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. China

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